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Peace Leaves Poems Available
Using the Poetry List to Purchase
The numbered poems in the list are not presented here with the line breaks that will be on the Peace Leaf. Jot down the numbers of the poems that speak to you or that you think a friend will treasure. Let me know the poem numbers and I will send you pics of the one-of-a-kind poems available now. I can also create one-of-kind cards for you. See the Gallery section to see what I already have made. If you are wanting basic Peace Leaves with an envelope ($4) or without an envelope ($3) in a cellophane sleeve just tell me the numbers and preferences for color and texture. Enjoy!
Original Poems Available
1___A cloud is soft shawl or shroud, it’s all in how you look.
1a___Afloat in your voice, doubt is a small boat I give up willingly...
3___And I was proud the great blue heron, whose wingspan reaches through skies in my mind, let you come so close.
3a__A time, a time when candle flames on glass proclaim against quaking night...
4___At the very least let me be a small child, searching for cool comfort, cradled in a tree that has no boughs inclined to break.
4a__ Between the busy streets of life, a hummm comes to which we may tune with deliberation.
5a__..the big dipper I could always depend upon to quench my thirst for a pattern.
6. __Breathe deeply, in threes, the salt studded breeze.
6a____ Breathe, these trees, in great gulps.
7a__..brimming with possibility.
8___...burnished by time, truth must be a smooth stone to glisten black on the surface of sand.
8a___ Celestial hand draws lines of light on the etch and sketch of island night...
8b__ The cedar does not forget to be tree, so why do I forget to be me.
9___Chocolate melts in the sun no matter whose picnic it is.
10___Climb, breathless, lovingly loose laughter in the sky.
11a__Ears, nose, toes, tiny tiny fingers, all perfect miracles unmarred, as if the child came from the wave of a wandlike star.
12___Find a window...Open it; breathe in three slow symphonies...
12a.___...glass of evening filled with no sound...just the dip of paddles...
13___Go Placidly, yes, when you can, and know how to return to still pools within, or the ocean, or the mountain snow, its rarefied air, with each breath, stinging your lungs clean.
13a ... great blue heron fishing, reflection fishing back, dipping ripples into water and sky...
14___Holding, as branches hold birds...
14a__ Hurdle fear, risk, chancing change, live incessantly,wet, in the tumbling center of the stream...
15__ I do not want to live the lives of adults, worrying the forests, teasing dollar bills out of trees. I want to live as a child pretending to be a frog...
15a__Imagine wings...
15b__In love, with each other and all life...
16 __ I want to be the old bearded man at the edge of the sky whose breath decides where the wind will go.
16a__ I wish you rainbows in sky and on fishbacks in leaping rivers.
19___If it rains, imagine shelter; enjoy sunlight streaming through fog...
20___If the wind howls, howl back, walk in it, get soaked, swaddle in the dark.
22a___....intended for this time, together, the sun, dropping like a nickel into the slot of the changing sea.
22b__Join me in being on your side.
23.__ Kiss the whitest feather caught by the sun in the eagle’s soaring flight...
24 ___Know it is kinder to be gentle, to issue a quiet strength, in a strong voice, yes, strengthened by silence, in forests green, that precede clear speech.
25.___ Let sandcastles, not dreams, be the only homes destroyed...
25b__Let there be skies inside our silences…
25c__Listen, I think I hear the wish of air under wings…
25d__Look into a still pool. Smile into the eyes looking back…
25a__ May a loving breeze massage your spirit.
26a___....May I find you in years to come, still singing.
26c__May loved ones visit in silvered streams, in the green and gold of leaves, in fog lifting…
26b___May you be graced by the presence of guardians and angels...
26e___May your footsteps dance light upon a forgiving earth.
26d__Meander, like water on flat stone.
27___Moon, a white button on a velvet suit, fastens light to my dark night.
27a__Once in awhile in the whoosh of wave and wind, you will hear your name.
28___Only your soles know the deepening shape of your footprints...
28a___ Paddle the sky...
28b__ Plant each seed with equal care. Know when to wear hearts sleeved; in the garden, keep one hand gloved, one hand bare.
29 ___Rain will arrive to quench our curious thirst.
29a___ Recall that deer will emerge to drink from dripping leaves after rain.
31___Say I can, not I can’t. Name disbelief a thief.
32___Sing a blue tune and disappear, breathe as if a flute lived in your throat, as if your lungs had bellows for blowing the flame.
32b.___Sit long into night,’til cloud cover clears and stars shower in light.
34___Sometimes I want to freeze you, now that you are no longer small enough to hold in one hand.
34a__Sometimes courage runs through the first available crack, repools on the other side, the cleverness of liquid confronting stone.
34b__.strain to see all that can be seen in moonlight...one ragged white ruffle of foam following another and another, chasing into so much dark.
35___Suppose, just before each full moon, women could drink the sap of birches to see them through the waning. Suppose men raised roses into the air, scented petals the only casualties of battle.
37___This, then is the shape of our lives. Don’t hurry the horizon.
38___Time now to crawl from the cave upright in the glare waving our thumbs, dancing in light.
39___Walk paced to a heart’s beat that beckons...
40___...walk together in the green moist...tears cold on the face of friendship, and know with our whole souls what it is to be human...
41__When the osprey comes, I know I’ve chosen well…
43___Weave love line by line, break at places where words need to breathe, come up for air.
43c__Where is it written that it has to matter to anyone but you and me?
43a__Whisper...then listen to a wild, framing green...
43b__Wrap my love around you.
44___You are the light in the leaves at the greengold hour of day.
44b__You are a dipper of water on a dry day.
44c__You are an oar dipping ripples on a blue bond.
44a__ You are a white page I can't write on, a new snow at dawn.
45___You will make mistakes. Reflect, not so long that you view yourself as one who errs. Reflect long though, to learn what your inside light whispers about how one who seeks truth goes in the world.